xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality



How many times do you TP somewhere just to find out, in that brief instant, that your “alter” is waiting for you at the landing point? And what’s the chance of he or she being a werewolf? The place in the picture is Van Auster’s POST store in Orpheum {slurl}. I didn’t stay to say hello though, he was AFK.

The first name is the same despite orthographic differences. He picked –possibly– an Italian variety, judging by the initial G (he’s also a relatively young avie,  due to the fact that he has no surname), while mine corresponds to late Medieval Spanish, when the letter X was often used to represent the sound of –more or less– modern Spanish J. This is, of course, a simplistic explanation of language evolution, since modern Spanish took several turns before getting to the current phonetic system. In any case, the name comes from Jericho, which is the name of one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world {url}. So there you have an idea of how my name should be pronounced.