xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

Ice shit

Can someone be so kind and explain to the remaining Lindens what is a phantom prim? While trying to travel by water along the old channels of the Sansara continent, I came across a… hmm… disturbing snow-covered ice sheet blocking the passage over Voss and Zermatt sims. If anyone else does this, it would be called griefing by the masses, but if Brent and Michael Linden are responsible it stays there forever (since 2008 it seems). Not even an icebreaker will dare cross these frozen senselessness. It might have been “funny” for the sake of realism (perhaps?), but it’s actually more of an imprudent obstacle for SL sailing. But anyway… after this ice sheet the channel becomes too narrow to navigate. That may imply the Lindens weren’t thinking about sailing when they created this side of their world.