xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

Author: xeriko

  • Active users?

    Active users?

    I have a neighbor in SL that I have never met, and something tells me that I never will. I know her name and a few details of her SL past from the items she left behind in a parcel that she hasn’t visited since 2011. It’s a small 512 sq.m. lot on the western…

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  • Shopkeeper


    If you read my previous post (Dispossessed), you know that, if each of us in SL have a part in the general scheme of things (though I think not), mine wasn’t exactly in the virtual real estate arena. It isn’t that, at a personal level, I did terribly bad –I did everything there was to do, except…

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  • Dispossessed


    In June, I’ll be 8 years old. Sounds like a lot of time, right? This is the oldest online community/social network I’ve been intensely involved with so far. Yet, I think my participation in SL, considering all the possibilities of interaction it offers, has been pretty limited. I haven’t had a job in SL, in…

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