xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

Category: Read me

  • Opt out

    Opt out

    There’s something troubling me about SL events lately, especially weekly events. Once upon a time there weren’t as many of them as there are now, and every participating designer was able to meet the deadline and have his/her item(s) ready in due time. Now, there seems to be a new trend –or that’s what it…

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  • Here’s the culprit

    Here’s the culprit

    Hell-oh, hell-oh.Think of that as an expression of great relieve and triumph, because after five days, and making the Lindens bang their heads against every wall, I finally identified what’s causing the problem I tried to described yesterday (read the story here). The most illogical of things (until tonight) was happening in my recently acquired plot:…

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  • Help me here

    Help me here

    Ok, I need some help. For the last 4 days, I’ve been trying to solve the following dilemma, using Linden Lab’s Support department. They’ve been looking into it, but nothing of what they do is proving useful (is anyone surprised?). This is a screenshot of the almighty minimap, showing the boundaries of the Lost Grounds sim,…

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