xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

Category: Read me

  • Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays

    …and let the Holidays begin! Whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas, the end of the world, the beginning of a new era, the Winter or Summer solstice (depending on what hemisphere your RL self happens to be), etc., make sure to have a good time doing whatever you want. Me, I just want some comfortable sleep. skål…

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  • Bare with me

    No, there’s no mistake in this post’s title. Of course, I mean “bear with me”, but as it currently sits, the blog’s front page is bare of mostly everything. I’m trying to update it using a different template, and it seems there’s a lot of more tweaks to be done before it’s decent again. I…

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  • Seriously

    For some folks, Second Life falls into the category of computer game. They log in to play with other people they may or may not care about. Yet, they may sometimes refer to those “entities” they interact with as friends. Such meaningful expression should be strong enough to convince anyone of the existence of a…

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