xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

  • No bid

    No bid

    How does the LL land auction thingy work? It seems the question may have a simple answer, but for me it doesn’t. The mechanism itself is, indeed, pretty straightforward: You visit SL website, log in, click on Buy Land, select Auctions, and then Browse L$ Land Auctions. There you will find a list of all the parcels available, including the…

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  • Blogging times

    Blogging times

    A year ago, Strawberry Singh came up with the “Why do I blog?” meme, which I answered out of boredom. In the end I enjoyed it a lot, so that’s why I’m up to answer part deux: My Blogging Journey Challenge. It’s not as interesting as the previous one –well, my answers are not– but here…

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  • Of course… a carriage too

    Of course… a carriage too

    Of course: If AnnMarie Oleander/Otoole and Yavanna Llanfair can litter the SL road map with their cars and pods, why can’t AaronM Jenkins have his automated horse carriages too? So there he goes…

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