xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

License to squat in Hangars Liquides

Have you ever wanted to live in a cyberpunk city? Would you like to roam the streets of a Blade Runneresque metropolis? Are you broke? Have you thought or tried to become a squatter? Have you or can you try to make at least 1L per week? I can think of dozens of additional questions, but there’s no point in exorcising my mind so hard just to let you know that Hangars Liquides is for you.

I have forgotten for how long I’ve known this region, but sure it’s one of the few places I always keep a LM to and visit often. The main sim has changed a lot over time, but it seems to be reaching a mature stage.

In 2009, it was self-described as post cyberpunk (part of the LM tag); today it’s technopunk deconstruction; yet it’s still the SL home of the RL flashcore music label Hangars Liquides. You should visit their website for more information about this musical style and even download a few clips to listen to. Keep in mind flashcore is a mix of acousmatic speed-hard-core experimental (computer-generated music), so if you only like Chopin, lower the speakers’ volume a significant bit.

Back to what concerns to SL, Hangars Liquides is offering a place to call home for those that wish to live in a cyberpunk community. Permission to settle in entitles you to 30 prims allocation (hey, for free you couldn’t ask for more, come on). There are a few simple rules to follow:

  • IM Djehan Kidd to let her know your intention of becoming a squatter in HL
  • join their group, to avoid having your objects returned
  • no heavily scripted objects, so forget that sex bed you love so much
  • no ugly stuff, or they will block your windows lol
  • keep good vibes with the rest of the locals and numerous visitors, you mofu
  • no griefing, or you’ll be kicked and permabanned.

I was going to show you more pictures and stuff, but I don’t want to spoil the journey. If you follow this slurl to Hangars Liquides you’ll land on a deck at the upper level, and from there you’re free to go down the metallic ramp all the way to the city. But while you’re there, check the two screens showing some of the rentals and click  any one to teleport to the apartment.

Pictures: Hangars Liquides [slurl] sim only. Most squatters are currently settled in the southern sim, while more space is under construction at the northern one. Be a little bit patient while waiting for a reply since they are handling request constantly.