Sure it’s more than expected that you’ll find yourself bored in SL from time to time. Even events in excess can cause such repugnant feeling. If boredom strikes you, it’s more than equally expected you’ll look for some venue of entertainment to cheer your life up. But doing so at the expense of your neighbors’ peace-hood is extremely reproachable.
A week ago, I found someone have had some fun decorating my rented plot in Bay City with what initially looked like roundish dragon eggs, but in truth were –according to the name– ugly yellow volley balls. It would make no difference if they were testicles instead, considering the owner of such atrocities is a male that lives at the other side of the channel in the same sim. As he’s also a renter from the same landbaroness, there was no way to return them automatically since they were rezzed in the same group. Besides, there’s no such thing as managing parcel settings in Tower Rental land as per defined by the land owner, and there was no one from support online to help me sort this out quickly, so I had to drag each ball, one by one, to the public sidewalk where the Lindens have a 10 minute autoreturn on to get rid of the extra large confetti. It didn’t take too long to complete the task, but of course it wasn’t something in my to do list for the day.
Eventually, land owner was informed, ball owner was warned, and I wasn’t expecting that to happen again, supposing it was the product of a volley ball firing catapult sporadic malfunctioning… 39 times. Yet, exactly a week later (that is, yesterday), I found myself engulfed by 28 new yellow volley balls once again.
Now, what should I think is going on? That my Polish neighbor is losing his balls… I mean, his mind, or is he an embryonic griefer?