What a year, 2014! And I say that sarcastically. For the most part, I spent the time complaining about people in SL rather than posting about what I was doing. Really. Some things must change for 2015 or this blog will become a hate-driven zine nobody will like to visit. You don’t believe me? Here’s 2014 in abstracts.
In January I was writing about people’s stupidity, going to SL events fully attired with thousands of attachments, as if events were a fashion parade or a pageantry freak show. Later, I wrote about yard sales, and the hidden agendas of “gachers”, both creators and resellers, in making lots of money out of their victims’ addictions. I also recounted my close encounters with a strange fan that was too inspired with my modest attempts at creating homey environments, that she made an exact copy of my Bay City plot.
In February, I was telling you how boring I am, doing minimal changes in my rented parcel. Following that discussion, I told you how tired I was of hearing creators accusing each other of intellectual property infringement and stealing, and of a similar atmosphere clouding the camaraderie in SL sailing groups. It’s actually incredible that 11 months later, nothing has changed in that regard. People… I guess.
March and April were kind of quiet, since I only whined, in a very quick way, about some creators’ lack of “responsibility” for joining in too many events and then not showing for half of them. In May I calmed down a little bit and answered silently one of Strawberry Singh’s blog challenges. But tranquility didn’t last long, because before month’s end I was complaining about suspicions of “cheating” in the LL’s auction house after losing some bids to real estate mongers in several attempts at buying parcels in Mainland during that month. Of course, I never tried the thing again and declared it a waste of time.
I returned to the SL map to search for land for sale during June, and told you of how shallow-brained are people using banlines and other security tools to pester their neighbors and everyone else alike.
Finally, something good happened in July, after I found a nice parcel by accident. Of course I bought it and built my countryside hideout. What I didn’t tell you is that eventually, even that idyllic property got surrounded by banlines and an out-of-place gorean castle erected on a 512 sq.m. parcel in front of mine. How sweet! I guess that’s why, for the rest of the month I spent my time arguing against gacha excesses in all kinds of SL events. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one with such claims, as some other people, including well-known creators, were equally lamenting the loss of quality in SL production because the over-abundance of SL events.
In August I did practically nothing. I only wrote about what I though should be fair pricings for SL land after LL announced the company was already working on SL’s successor. September wasn’t that “positive” either, and during the Home & Garden expo I reproached the use of a blogger application to call for promotional exposure for an event that, due to its nature and purpose, would benefit more from all kinds of advertising, from the all-inclusive blogging community, rather than filtering out the little people. For me it was a snobbish move that should only be reserved for purely commercial ventures, not for a fundraising one. Of course, that’s only my opinion, me that knows nothing about organizing anything in SL (that’s a disclaimer, kind of).
The rest of the year went pretty quiet, until the posts this week, that you should go and read in full instead of expecting a compendium (me, roll eyes).
That in essence was my 2014. All in all, I must confess I did have a lot of fun this year, as usual, despite my apparent hate phase. I even fully enjoyed writing about all those frustrations because it made me think a lot about what drives SL, in terms of it as a social medium, going through the mechanics that make this world go round –in its own fashion–, and the magnificent ménage of sentient beings that gives life to this collective illusion.
yup i read the other posts too. quite awesome how much you think about everything, me i juss bash my way thru lol ! hope your 2015 is gonna be an amiable one