Don’t think a post now and then means a return to blogging. I’m doing fine not doing it, and will try to keep it that way. But recently, with the pandemonium created by the covid19 pandemic, there has been a mild resurgence in Second Life returning customers. That has prompted some active SLifers to compile some useful resources to help both oldies and newcomers with the new SL realities: that’s things such as Mesh, BOM, appliers, et cetera. So here’s a few I would like to keep handy:
- The *SK*[BoM]*IN* Project™ – bizarre way to call a website. In non Dyslexic dialect, it goes something like The Skin (BoM) Project, and is a good catalog of inworld BoM-ready skins stores sorted by the classic gender-binary scheme (I would –maybe– just call them regular and boobs-ready skins instead), plus a Fantasy category where non-natural skin colors go. Male oriented avies, the not-so-loved residents of SL, have there a good source of male focused stores to check out.
- If already having a hard time guessing what BoM is, then head straight to the Virtual Bloke. Its author has a well-rounded and encompassing post or two (or more) explaining all those nuances and how to deal with them (check the latest, for example, which is a sticky-worthy one). The site is mostly male-oriented, but the concepts are for general usage.
- I’m also having a good time reading Billy Beaverhausen’s blog. His frequent well-narrated and quite illustrated posts cover everything there is to check out regarding male avatars. He not only tells readers what he’s wearing and where to find the stuff (as most fashion bloggers do), but also he hasn’t forgotten that words are still an excellent way of communication (old soul, that guy). A NSFW warning though: there could be some pictures you don’t want your boss to see… unless you’re ready to explain it all.
That’s all I wanted to share for now. If I find something else worth referencing, I’ll add it to the list. Just remember there are a lot more stuff about Second Life out there, so if you don’t like these three resources, just do your own search and pick whatever you prefer.