xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

About the attic

This is a personal blog, nothing fancy, nothing pretentious, but what time allows me to do and document occasionally. It is a place where I collect anecdotes of my doings in Second Life®, what I like, sometimes even what I don’t like, what I think about a certain topic, what I see while wandering the world, either what I put together, or what others take the chance to come up with.

For those who have been wondering, please note this isn’t a fashion blog. Although I may include fashion-related notes of clothes I wear for extended periods of time, I don’t pretend it’s my job (not even the hobby) to promote apparel from SL designers. That’s something other people enjoy and do very well. I don’t have the necessary skills nor the interest to do so, so keep that in mind when reading this blog’s content.

This blog used to focus mostly on home and garden stuff (and prominently the latter) in the virtual world of Second Life exclusively. I have to work 8-12 hours a day to keep my real-life self, dominions and dependencies, environment, and quality of life in a general state of well-being, as life itself permits. I’m also an avid information consumer and a dedicated computer gamer, so I don’t really have much time to allot to other virtual attractions. Also, be aware of one thing: I know nothing or claim to know anything about landscaping/garden design or home/interior decoration whatsoever (the same applies to fashion), in real life or Second Life. I just arrange things here and there until they look good to me.

A while ago, I introduced myself to the world of SL sailing. Since then, I’ve been enjoying –a lot– all kinds of events, big and small, this significantly large and active community offers to anyone wanting to join in the fun. Racing requires training, but cruising is a lot of fun, especially when done in groups. Therefore, latter posts may reflect a distinctive tilt in that direction.

In a sense, I keep this blog to acknowledge those who stand out as original content creators in Second Life. Featuring their products does not imply I’m advertising, promoting or endorsing them in any way. I simply appreciate what they do, and that’s all.

I don’t maintain this blog for reviewing content –that’s an incidental side effect that rarely happens. Instead, I only want to to express my opinion, and mine alone, on SL community-related issues, and to keep a record of what I do in SL in general. It’s more like a publicly accessible scrapbook in which I publish my “picks”, in case someone else finds the information of any use.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, I purchase the products I highlight on this blog. The opinions I express are based on my non-expert, personal taste. If I were to receive something for free for the purpose of sharing, I may choose to showcase it (with no obligation) only if I genuinely like and find some actual use for it. Certainly, I won’t dedicate an entire post to a single product, but rather incorporate it into a regular setting. If that happens, I will give the corresponding credit as I do with everything else. This blog is not sponsored by any store or company in or outside of Second Life in any way.

The Links page contains a list of blogs I take pleasure in reading somewhat regularly, from authors whose work I admire or deem amusing. What they decide to publish on their sites is their sole responsibility (any time and anywhere), not mine. The same is valid for comments readers leave on this blog; they are responsible for their expressions, not me. 

Again, the attic is a personal project that has been opened to the general public since I started it back in December 2008. It is just a repository of thoughts from the avatar known in Second Life as Xeriko Melnik. The blog has experienced several transformations, mostly due to the different CMS I have experimented with over the years. Some of the old content has been lost between transitions, along with some valuable comments my few visitors have kindly shared with me and other fellow readers. I’m really sorry for that.

Lastly, my opinions in any matter, field, or topic may change over time, so have that in mind when reading old posts. And, by the way, thank you for your visit.

Second Life® (often abbreviated as SL in this blog), SL®, SLurl™ and Linden Lab® (often abbreviated as LL in this blog) are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. This blog, xeriko’s attic, is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research. No infringement is intended.