Water lilies and a beach
Out of Botanical today, we got this wonderful set of Waterlily clusters. As is usual for Kriss Lehmann’s products, these beautiful water plants are richly textured and full of detail. Each mesh cluster is just 1 prim (that’s all, believe it or not; go see for yourself), and between 1 and 2 land impact only.…
Simple… even if it seems not
Masomaso Quan’s store, MMGraffiti’s, is one of those places I love to get back to whenever I’m in need of some inspiration. It’s not that it carries a lot of products or anything like that (though it has “grown up” steadily for the last couple of years), but there’s always something that sparks my imagination.…
I’ve always thought coastal areas covered with mangrove trees are very scenic. When they are away from human interference, they usually turn out to be attractive waterways suitable for sailing in small crafts and excellent for exploration. Unfortunately, when these woodlands are close to industrialized/urbanized zones, they end up stinking because the slow movement of the…