With neighbors like this…
Miliaco sim, Satori continent: There is a very nice parcel, almost perfectly flat land with direct access to a Linden road, that is going for cheap. Only L$2999 for 2496 sq.m. That’s about L$1.2/sq.m., a huge bargain. The problem? It’s western neighbor. Not the one hiding behind that ancient privacy screen of pink flower trees, but the…
Because I love to post ugly pictures from time to time… AnnMarie Oleander automated cars, which haven’t disappeared from the face of SL, are quite intelligent. When they sense a malfunction, they simply pull to the side of the road, as this image clearly shows (roll eyes). You only have to pray they don’t do…
Linden trees
Playing with windlight settings today. I tried to take a wide angle picture of that “delicious” empty expanse next to my house, worth three parcels (my place is that grove in the center), and I couldn’t have those old-fashion Linden trees fully “rezzed”, even with the mesh detail slider maxed. They kind of spoil the…