xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

Category: F-ck you

  • With neighbors like this…

    With neighbors like this…

    Miliaco sim, Satori continent: There is a very nice parcel, almost perfectly flat land with direct access to a Linden road, that is going for cheap. Only L$2999 for 2496 sq.m. That’s about L$1.2/sq.m., a huge bargain. The problem? It’s western neighbor. Not the one hiding behind that ancient privacy screen of pink flower trees, but the…

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  • “Racaille”


    Because I love to post ugly pictures from time to time… AnnMarie Oleander automated cars, which haven’t disappeared from the face of SL, are quite intelligent. When they sense a malfunction, they simply pull to the side of the road, as this image clearly shows (roll eyes). You only have to pray they don’t do…

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  • Linden trees

    Linden trees

    Playing with windlight settings today. I tried to take a wide angle picture of that “delicious” empty expanse next to my house, worth three parcels (my place is that grove in the center), and I couldn’t have those old-fashion Linden trees fully “rezzed”, even with the mesh detail slider maxed. They kind of spoil the…

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