xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

  • Sculptie sims of Timmi Allen

    Sculptie sims of Timmi Allen

    Second Life is full of creativity and awe inspiring places. Here are a few screenies of Timmi Allen’s sculptie paradise spanning four sims, in alphabetical order: Sculptie Animals, Sculptie Experiments, Sculptie Paradise, and Sculptie Wonder. All of them are full of niceties for your (visual) enjoyment. If you have more than a couple of big…

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  • Purely coincidental

    Any resemblance is purely coincidental…

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  • Stamped

    Hunting is part of SL. That’s how we the poor get content. Poor is used here openly; give it any meaning you want, but I’m thinking in unskilled avies with limited ways of creating nice things for the general public… or just the casual roamer… or –hell– the griefer as well. And here is one…

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