xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

The plot in New Trails: Too wild?

So I was playing with the plot’s vegetation again, and visited New Trails looking for some old fallen tree with Spanish moss vitral illios released last year. Well, I bought not only the fallen tree of course, but a bunch of new 2-prim trees I and my cash allowance weren’t expecting to find. I don’t even know if they are a new release because I haven’t heard a word before, but the thing is they are worth the investment…or at least the look. Their textures are crispy rich and come in a variety of leaf colors and heights (five packs), both copyable or transferable.

I also added a few (I swear a few) extra ferns and flowers (ok, ok, a few rocks too), so that’s why this shot doesn’t look as yesterday’s post (Ruins). I think I like both; too bad I only have space and prims for one. If you were to choose between the two, which one would you pick?