xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality


I take snapshots, that’s what I do. I wouldn’t call any of my pictures photographs as implying some sense of artistic rendition none of them intend to express. I only want to add some graphical elements to my posts to make them less sober, to illustrate a point sometimes, but no more, no less. That’s why I shot Jamais in my Default windlight instead of opting for a better, more suitable one. And why did I do that? Because I don’t want to limit your vision to what I show here, and instead encourage you to visit Jamais and test every windlight setting for yourself. The scene will change semblance with every try, highlighting different elements each turn. The owner advises the use of a particular pair of water and sky settings, which I don’t have and don’t know where to find, so I may never know how it should look as per design. But I don’t care anyway, and neither should you, because it is the grace of  myriads of interpretations what makes this world kaleidoscopic and real.

Jamais Plus, which in French means “never again”, sits in the Leroy sim, between a frozen shore and a “Claire de Lune”.