Autumn feast
Prim allowance is something we poor guys in SL fear the most (if anything else) because it put limits to what we can create that doesn’t depends on us being online. I mean –as is my case– sometimes, when doing a landscape, I have to come to a happy medium between what I want to…
Autumn colors
Hell, I forgot I took these pictures last night to do a brief posting before going to bed. But well, better now than never. This floating mini-island is just a quick scenic set I came up with to take a few pictures of this nice looking trees from Uni Ninetails’ Forest Floor Gardens & Dreamscapes.…
Live at the swamp
About a week and a half ago I decided to “downgrade” my land possessions to a single contiguous plot, as a “strategy” to get rid of several prim farms I’ve been cultivating for several months. Being a hardcore prim gobbler, that only spelled trouble. I tried to convince myself that working with fewer prims would…