Role playing?
Even if you think you don’t role play because you don’t narrate your actions or your thinking, Second Life is just that: a big RP world. First, think of this: you’re probably portraying yourself as your real self is not. How many of you have avatars that mirror your true selves? How many of you…
(Virtual) Smoke awareness
In an age when every pack of cigarettes sold in most places of the world come with the equivalent of the US Surgeon General warning message stating the health risks involved in smoking, a small cylindrical prim with some texture and particle effect has become (once again) a glamorous symbol in virtual lands. Pose vendors,…
Hunts: An easy way to make you suffer
Hunt organizers should be classified as psychotic sadists. And I’m talking about the out-of-proportions grid-wide hunts specifically. The first thing to notice about their torture scheme is they think you spend all your real life in your second one. That may be true for some, but not for most. Second Life isn’t WoW, haven’t you…