xeriko's attic

Looking the Second Life metaverse through the eyes of reality

H&G Expo Day 2

For today, I programmed a visit to H&G Expo 8, as scheduled before the event even started. After exploring the whole sim I realized Organica Specialty Trees was the only exhibition I really liked. So I crossed to H&G Expo 5, the sim registered as tomorrow’s target, to complete the five items for today’s post. And still I fell short.



For a  long time now, Organica has always been on my top ten list of best garden centers in Second Life. But not everything is grass and trees and shrubs. The new St. Stony Old Cathedral is proof of that.

Organica 2

Organica is launching several new products during this Expo. To learn more about  the latest releases, check this blog post. The Amazon Lily with the purple flower (in the foreground)  is one of them; it’s also a RFL item. This giant water lily comes in five additional colors.

Heart's Garden Centre


It’s good to know the duet at Heart Garden Centre is working on new products. Their botanical textures are so vivid that their plants are always must have items in any SL garden. Maybe the introduction of mesh slowed their creative pace a little bit while they learned the new crafting tools, but now they’re coming back with mesh based adaptations of their well known and praiseworthy textures, and who knows what else. The splendid Wild Oak Forest they have on display at the Expo is an example of what is to be expected in the near future.

Heart yellow wands

Heart’s RFL items (the yellow fairy wand patches in the picture being one of two) fall into this category. Same classic texture on a fresh mesh “body” and at 1 LI cost only (the old product equals at least 2-3 prims), so there’s a significant gain in the change.



Something’s also holding back Botanical a little bit, and from what Kriss Lehmann has shared in other social nets, it’s new mesh products still to come. So do not disturb him and let the man work in peace. Yet, he took some time to put up a small display, that includes the simple yet cute Capiz Lamps hanging from the tree branches as you see here. They are Botanical’s RLF item too.



What attracted me to Kuro was The Jasper dark cottage centered at that Expo plot, as you can see it from Heart’s beach-like exhibit just in front of it. But –hell– the 61 LI mark for such a simple structure was cause enough for me to repel. The collection of 1950ish furniture within may be of interest to some of you, though.